Setting up Appointments

Setting up Appointments

*If you would like to first sync your Outlook calendar with your LibCal availability, please view the instructions here.  

Navigate to your appointments.

Click on "Availability". Here, you will see many options for setting up your availability.

You can either make yourself available with:

  • Single Date Picker (if your schedule varies from day to day and won't bet the same the following week)
  • Daily (you have the same availability for multiple days in a row)
  • Weekly (you would like to set availability for a week, either for one week or multiple weeks at a time)
  • Monthly (you would like to set up your availability for the month or multiple months)
  • Multi-Date Picker (you would like to add the same availability for multiple days)

It's often easiest to set availability weekly, especially if your calendar is already synced with Outlook.

To add your virtual appointment availability to your calendar, set your "Location" to "UCLA Library." To add you availability for in-person appointments, set your "In-person Consultations" to "Virtual Consultations." If you have both virtual and in-person appointment availability, please see the next two instruction sections before clicking 'Add Your Availability."

Next you need to choose your "Group." Your "Group" is where you show up in the taxonomy, which image you can see below (which can be found in the Library Resources menu in CCLE):

Image of how to set 'Directions' in"My Settings"

Image of how to set 'Directions Override' in "Availability"

There are two areas where you can add Directions for your consultation. One area is in "My Settings" (see instructions below), where you can set overarching directions for patrons.

You can also add an optional "Directions Override" when you add your availability. The 'Directions Override" area lets you set specific directions for the availability times that you are adding at the moment, and is useful if you have both in-person and virtual availability that may have different directions.

For example, if you primarily have virtual consultations available, you can leave the directions in "My Settings" blank as a zoom link will already be sent if you have /wiki/spaces/~jschwada/pages/20547185 set-up. If you are setting  availability for in-person appointments, make sure to have directions ready and paste them into the "Directions Override"  space when you set your availability. 

Note: If you're having issues getting in-person and virtual consultation directions to show up correctly in your confirmation emails, try restoring the default email template, which contains necessary location tags.

Now navigate to "My Settings". Here, you can define your Appointment Duration, if you'd like padding in between your appointments, how far in advance a patron can book a consultation with you, and whether reminder emails will go out to your patron, among other things.

Making a friendly URL is extremely useful when navigating patrons to your appointments page.

This box will appear on your public page. Please indicate any special directions you have for students here.

For  remote consultations, please consider putting language similar to this in your description page: I am currently offering research consultations online via Zoom (audio/video call). Instructions for joining the online meeting will be sent in the confirmation email.

Patrons automatically provide their name and email in the required Appointment Form but you can add additional questions as well.

Click "Add Question", specify the type of question, decide if it's optional or required, and then add it to your form.

You can also reorder the questions you've added under "Appointment Form Question Order" by dragging the questions around.

LibCal automatically creates templates for confirmation, cancellation, and follow up emails. If you click on "Confirmation Email to Patron" you can see what LibCal has auto-generated.

You can edit within the body of the email to change the language. For some examples of text you can include in these emails, please see the Template Language section at the bottom of the page.

When someone schedules an appointment with you, it will show up on your Appointments page. If you've synced your Outlook calendar with LibCal, it will also push an appointment to your Outlook calendar. You can also view your Past Appointments here.

You can also retroactively Add New Booking on your own calendar if, for instance, you had an impromptu consultation and wanted it reflected on your calendar.

The Booking Explorer also allows you to see all of your upcoming Appointments.

Email Template 

This is an edited version of the confirmation email template that goes to patrons that you might consider using for online consultations. It removes the language around directions and physically locating a space. Please feel free to copy and paste it into your own confirmation email. 

Hi {{{NAME}}},

This email confirms your appointment:

<strong>With:</strong> {{{MY_NAME}}}{{#MY_EMAIL}} ({{MY_EMAIL}}){{/MY_EMAIL}} {{NOTES}}
<strong>When:</strong> {{START_TIME}} {{{DATE}}}
<strong>Time Zone:</strong> {{{TIMEZONE}}}
{{#CATEGORY}}<strong>Type:</strong> {{CATEGORY}}
<strong>Link:</strong>{{#ONLINE_JOIN_URL}} This meeting is to be held online. To join the meeting visit: <a href="{{{ONLINE_JOIN_URL}}}">{{{ONLINE_JOIN_URL}}}</a>{{#ONLINE_JOIN_PASSWORD}} (password: {{ONLINE_JOIN_PASSWORD}}){{/ONLINE_JOIN_PASSWORD}}{{/ONLINE_JOIN_URL}}

To cancel this appointment visit: <a href="{{{CANCEL_LINK}}}">{{{CANCEL_LINK}}}</a>

 For assistance with setting up appointments, please submit a Jira ticket to the LibApps team. Thank you!

Template Language

 Remote Consultations
  • Appointment Instructions/Description section (Under “My Settings):
    • “As part of UCLA’s transition to online instruction, I am currently offering appointments via Zoom (audio/video call). Instructions for joining the online meeting will be sent in the confirmation email.”
  • Confirmation Email section:
    • “As part of UCLA’s transition to online instruction, I am currently offering appointments via Zoom (audio/video call). Please use the link below: Zoom meeting: [your personal zoom link here]. Download Zoom: https://ucla.zoom.us/ “