How to Zoom

How to Zoom

All of our staff computers come with a Zoom desktop client. Although it is possible to join meetings with a web browser, it is recommended to use the desktop client for a better experience, more tools available, etc.

Here are the instructions to set up and use the desktop client.


  1. In the search bar in the taskbar, type Zoom

  2. When the icon shows up, click on it or click on Open

  3. It will open this page:


  4. Click on SSO.

  5. In the Company Domain field, type ucla and click Continue.


  6. It will open a web browser page with the usual SSO/Shibboleth screen:


  7. Enter your credentials and sign in. If it’s the first time, a pop up will ask you if you want to open the desktop client, please say yes! You can also tick the box to always open Zoom links with the desktop client, which is recommended. If it’s not the first time, Zoom desktop client will open automatically:


Once set up to always open Zoom meetings with the desktop client, all Zoom meetings links (from Outlook or anywhere on a web page) will open the desktop client. If you want to join via browser, please go to https://zoom.us/signin and click on Join at the top right of the page.