How to: LibWizard

How to: LibWizard

LibWizard offers four tools: forms, surveys, quizzes, and tutorials/assessments. You can create embeddable widgets for any of these tools and place them in your LibGuide or a CCLE page. 

Forms: Ideal for simple data collection.

Surveys: Ideal for complex data collection.

Quizzes: Includes all the elements of Forms and Surveys but has added features such as automated grading, self-grading so users can instantly see how they did, required correct answers with helpful clues, time limits and page controls, and advanced reporting.

Tutorials & Assessments: Allows you to create tutorials that include websites, images, videos, and interactive content.

You can find a list of features here: https://buzz.springshare.com/producthighlights/libwizard-builder/features

Note: You can embed LibWizard content inside your LibGuide by adding a "LibWizard Item"!

Learn more about placing your LibWizard quizzes, tutorials, etc into your CCLE page here: LibWizard/CCLE Integration

To see what's possible in LibWizard, take a look at sample forms, surveys, quizzes, and tutorials from Springshare!
Examples of live tutorials: https://buzz.springshare.com/producthighlights/libwizard-builder/tutorial-examples
Examples of live quizzes: https://buzz.springshare.com/producthighlights/libwizard-builder/quiz-examples
Examples of live surveys: https://buzz.springshare.com/producthighlights/libwizard-builder/survey-examples
Examples of live forms: https://buzz.springshare.com/producthighlights/libwizard-builder/form-examples

For assistance with the LibWizard, please submit a Jira ticket to the LibApps team. Thank you!