How to use SHARP Aquos board
Harold Pichol
The SHARP Aquos board is available in the Special Collections classroom in the History Division of the UCLA Louise M. Darling Biomedical Library, located in the Center for Health Sciences building (room number: 42-081A).
It is an interactive display allowing people to use it as a digital whiteboard, with plenty of neat features such as allowing up to four people to write simultaneously on the board with digital pens.
Important information
- Because the board has a suite of proprietary software, two laptops (BIO-WL-RIC103 and BIO-WL-RIC626) have been configured by DIIT to make it as simple as possible.
- Make sure that the pens have good batteries! If the pens blink, you are good to go. If they don't, you will need fresh batteries.
How to use the SHARP Aquos board with Biomed laptops
- Request one laptop.
- Log in with the sharpboard account if you are offline or on UCLA_WEB or your Library credentials if you are on eduroam.
- Once logged in, connect the HDMI cable available on the right side of the board, as well as the USB-A cable with the SHARP BOARD sticker on it.
- Wait a few seconds for the display to come up. You might also hear bell sounds indicating that the laptop is connecting to other devices.
Once this is done, you will have three icons available for you on the desktop: Pen Software, Overlay mode Pen Software and SHARP Touch Viewer.
Pen Software will start Whiteboard mode and you can start using the pens right away.
Overlay mode Pen Software will start Overlay mode, which places a transparent board over the screen. You can start using the pens right away.
SHARP Touch Viewer is used to display files during a meeting, and write over them. You will need to create a drawer and choose a folder before being able to use the pens!
You can use up to four pens. You can also draw with your fingers ("Finger can draw" needs to be set as enable in the Pen Software).
- My pen doesn't work!
You probably need fresh batteries. If the pens are blinking (showing that they're operational), then please reboot the computer.
- Can I use Overlay mode over a browser window?
Unfortunately, no. You will need to set the browser on one side, and use Overlay mode on the other side.
- Can I save my whiteboard(s)?
Yes! You can save your whiteboard as a .PDF or image file (BMP, JPG, PNG) by clicking the save button.
- Can I import a picture to draw over it?
Absolutely! Up to 50 pictures can be added on one sheet.
- Can I import any document to draw over it?
Yes! But it needs to be "printed" first through "Send print data to SHARP Pen Software". Once printing is done, the printed document will be sent automatically to the Pen Software. A "Data has been received" dialog box will appear.
How to use the SHARP Aquos board with macOS
How to use the SHARP Aquos board with chromeOS