


Supply employees with necessary up-to-date hardware for them to complete their work.



Library Staff

DIIT funds one primary computing device for each full-time permanent staff member.  The standard default is one HP desktop PC, Windows 10 and one 23" monitor. Anything other than that, is a special request and must go through an approval process. 

When primary workstations are replaced, old hardware will be removed and either re-purposed, or e-wasted.  All equipment provided to staff by the UCLA Library is property of the UC Regents. Staff vacating their positions are expected to return all mobile equipment that may have been issued to them.

When units appoint full-time or temporary project staff and existing workstations are not sufficient to support them, extra workstations are sometimes allocated on a temporary basis, with an end-date equivalent to the hiring end-date.  For full-time staff devoted to externally-funded projects, grant or project funds are usually expected to cover the cost of the equipment needed unless approval has been received in advance to consider as a UCLA Library cost-share.

Additional workstations may be funded by the department for special use, but all must be initially configured to be managed by DIIT.  This includes registration of Apple devices with JAMF and of Windows devices with Lansweeper. These tools enable DIIT to manage security and software updates as well as retrieval in the event of a lost/stolen device.

Shared Workstations for Part-Time Staff or Students

DIIT provides shared workstations for part-time permanent staff, students and other casual staff as necessary and on a case-by-case basis.

Additional Information

To request a new computer, click here.  

To request service on an existing computer, go here.

Submit a Request

This service is available to Library Staff only.

Library Staff(tick) *

 Service not available for you

If this service is not available to you, and you have questions, please send an email to techhelp@library.ucla.edu for more information.

Please visit the Computer Request portal to raise a request.




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