


Intota is an electronic resource management system (aka ERM or ERMS) used by academic libraries worldwide. UCLA Library has a subscription to Intota through ProQuest. Ex Libris subsequently acquired ProQuest in late 2019. The ERM addresses the electronic resource lifecycle including selection, acquisition, cataloging, discovery and fulfillment and includes the following elements:

  • Unified workflows for managing all types of library resources (inventory, invoicing, and discovery)
  • A ProQuest knowledgebase of authoritative metadata
  • Assessment capability that shows how collections are used, demonstrating the value of the library via Counter compliant reports

Digital Initiatives & Information Technology (DIIT) supports the following Intota interoperability with other systems:

"Start Your Research" search boxes from the UCLA Library homepage (some search boxes interact with Intota)

    • ArticlesPlus search box (connection to Summon, which is fed by Intota)
    • Databases search box (connection to LibGuides which is using an API in to Intota)
    • Journals search box does not employ Intota because it uses SFX and the UCLA Library Catalog
    • Research Guides search box does not employ Intota because it uses LibGuides
    • Archives & Manuscripts search box does not employ Intota because it uses Online Archive of California (OAC)

ArticlesPlus (Summon)

Springshare (SpringShare)


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If this service is not available to you, and you have questions, please send an email to techhelp@library.ucla.edu for more information.

Please visit the  portal to raise a request.


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