Voyager user privileges
Former user (Deleted)
Joseph Orellana
Dana Scott Peterman
The following are permissions that may be requested for access to the Voyager integrated library system (ILS) through UCLA Library DIIT (Digital Initiatives & Information Technology).
Acquisitions Permissions:
View only [Acq1]: For non-Acquisitions staff to view only Acquisitions transactions. This allows staff to view purchase orders, items, serials check-in, serial patterns, problems and claim lists, vendors, ledgers and funds, invoices, and bindery data.
Serials Check-in [Acq2]: Staff member or student staff that only performs serials check-in functions. This allows staff to perform serials checkin, edit bindery data, and process claims from Serials Control. It allows staff to view only serial patterns, purchase orders, items vendors and ledgers, funds and invoices.
Serial Invoicing/Check-in [Acq3]: Staff member who Invoices and Checks-in serials. This allows staff to perform serials checkin, process claims from Serials Control, edit bindery data, add/update invoices, and attach holdings to any bibliographic record. It allows staff to view only serial patterns, purchase orders, items, ledgers and funds, and vendors.
Serials Pattern Creation [Acq4]: Staff members who will be designated to create serials patterns in order to use the Predictive Check-in feature of Voyager. This allows staff to add/update, approve and delete purchase orders, perform serials checkin, add/update and delete serial patterns, add/update and delete items, process claims from Acquisitions and Serials Control, attach holdings to any bibliographic record and update bindery data. It allows staff to view only vendors, ledgers and funds and invoices.
Serials Control/Invoicing [Acq4.5]: Staff members who will be designated to create serials patterns in order to use the Predictive Check-in feature of Voyager. This allows staff to add/update purchase orders, add/update and delete invoices, perform serials checkin, add/update and delete serial patterns, add/update and delete items, process claims from Acquisitions and Serials Control, attach holdings to any bibliographic record, and update bindery data. It allows staff to view only vendors, ledgers and funds.
Acquisitions student [Acq5]: For student staff that work in Acquisitions and perform receiving as well as check-in. This allows student staff to add/update purchase orders, perform serials checkin, add/update item, process claims from Serials Control, add/update invoices and update bindery data. It allows students to view only vendors, and ledgers and funds.
Monos & Serials Ordering [Acq6]: Staff member who orders monographs and serials, and claiming unserviced monograph and serial orders; no receiving, invoicing or checking in of that material. This allows staff to add/update, delete and approve purchase orders, add/update and delete items, process claims from Acquisitions and Serials Control, attach holdings to any bibliographic record, and override over commit warning. This allows staff to view only serials checkin, serial patterns, vendors, ledgers and funds and invoices.
Ord/Recv/Inv/Claim [Acq7]: Staff member who Orders, Receives, Processes Invoices and Claims both serials and monographs. This allows staff to add/update, delete and approve purchase orders, add/update items, process claims from Acquisitions and Serials Control, attach holdings to any bibliographic record, add/update invoices, and update bindery data, and override over commit warning. This allows staff to view only serials checkin, serial patterns, vendors, ledgers and funds.
Ord/Recv/Inv/Claim/Checkin [Acq7.5]: Staff member who Orders, Checks-in, Receives, Processes Invoices and Claims for both serials and monographs. This allows staff to add/update, delete and approve purchase orders, add/update items, process claims from Acquisitions and Serials Control, perform serials checkin, attach holdings to any bibliographic record, add/update and delete invoices, add/update vendors, and override over commit warning. This allows staff to view only serial patterns, ledgers and funds.
Acquisitions Supervisor [Acq8]: The highest level of permission given to an Acquisitions Staff person, be it the Head of Acquisitions or a Supervisor within Acquisitions (as designated by each Unit). This allows staff to add/update, approve and delete purchase orders, perform serials checkin, add/update and delete serial patterns, add/update and delete items, process claims from Acquisitions and Serials Control, attach holdings to any bibliographic record, add/update and delete vendors, add/update and delete invoices, update bindery data, and override over commit warning. This allows staff to view only ledgers and funds.
LBS Staff [Acq9]: Non-Supervisory staff members of Library Business Services. This allows staff to add/update purchase orders, add/update ledgers and funds, change fund allocations, perform fiscal close operations, currency maintenance, add/update and approve invoice, override over expend and over commit warnings. This allows staff to view only vendors and items.
LBS Supervisor [Acq10]: Supervisor-level staff members of Library Business Services. This allows staff to add/update purchase orders, add/update and delete ledgers and funds, change fund allocations, perform fiscal close operations, currency maintenance, add/update, delete and approve invoices, override over expend and over commit warning. This allows staff to view only serials checkin, serial patterns, vendors, and items.
Cataloging Permissions:
View Only [Cat1]: Permits viewing but no editing. Suggested for staff who need to view but not change data using the Cataloging Client.
Holdings and Items (Basic) [Cat2]: Permits adding and editing of holdings and item records, but no deletion of these records. Does not allow items to be transferred between holdings records. Suggested for students and technical processing staff who perform location maintenance and/or serials check-in, but not bindery returns. Permits view only of bibliographic and authority records.
Holdings and Items (Advanced) [Cat3]: Permits adding, editing, and deletion of holdings and item records. Does not allow items to be transferred between holdings records. Suggested for students and technical processing staff who perform location maintenance, serials check-in, and bindery returns. Permits view only of bibliographic and authority records.
Bibs, Holdings, and Items Edit Only [Cat3.5]: Permits adding and editing of bibliographic, holdings, and items, but no deletion. Allows items to be transferred. Suggested for selected students and staff working in cataloging centers. Permits view only of authority records. [added6/2/04]
Bibs, Holdings, and Items [Cat4]: Permits adding and editing of bibliographic, holdings, and item records, as well as deletion of holdings and item records. Allows items to be transferred. Suggested for SRLF and other technical processing staff who create or import bibliographic records, create new holdings records, and who perform location maintenance activities. Permits view only of authority records.
Authority Basic [Cat5]: Permits adding and editing of bibliographic and authority records, but no deletion of these records. Permits view only of holdings and items records. Allows items to be transferred. Suggested for staff who perform authority work exclusively.
Cataloging Basic [Cat6]: Permits adding and editing of bibliographic, holdings, items, and authority records, but deletion of holdings and items only. Allows items to be transferred. Suggested for most cataloging staff.
Cataloging and Authority Advanced [Cat7]: Permits adding, editing, and deleting of bibliographic, holdings, items, and authority records. Allows items to be transferred. Suggested for high-level cataloging and authority staff.
Global Authority [Cat8]: Permits adding, editing, and deleting of all record types, as well as Global Headings replacement. Allows items to be transferred. Suggested for staff who perform all types of authority work.
Circulation Permissions
View Only [Circ1]: Staff and students assigned this authorization level are able to view patron records only. This authorization does not allow users to perform any other circulation functions.
General Circulation Staff [Circ2]: Staff assigned this authorization level will be able to perform charge/renew, discharge, and add/update recall requests. This authorization does not allow staff to add/update patron or item records. Recommended for staff whose primary responsibility is not in a circulation area but who may perform basic circulation functions.
Circulation Student [Circ3]: Students assigned this authorization level will be able to perform the full range of circulation functions including charge/renew, discharge, add/update recall requests, add/update patron and item records. This authorization does not allow for the override of blocks. Recommended for non-supervisory students who work on a circulation desk.
Billing Student [Circ4]: Students who are assigned this authorization level will be able to perform all of the functions of the Circulation Student authorization and add/update fines and fees information. This authorization does not allow for the override of blocks. Recommended for non-supervisory students who may assist in the billing function.
Reserves Student [Circ5]: Students who are assigned this authorization level will be able to perform all of the functions of the Circulation Student authorization and process course reserves. This authorization does not allow for the override of blocks. Recommended for non-supervisory students who may assist in the reserve function.
Circulation Supervisory Staff [Circ6]: Staff assigned this authorization level will be able to perform the full range of circulation functions including charge/renew, discharge, add/update recall requests, add/update patron and item records, and override blocks. This authorization level does not allow editing of billing records or processing of course reserves. Recommended for all career staff or student supervisory staff who work on a circulation desk.
Billing Staff [Circ7]: Staff assigned this authorization level will be able to perform all of the functions of the Circulation Supervisory Staff authorization and add/update fines and fees information.
Reserves Staff [Circ8]: Staff assigned this authorization level will be able to perform all of the functions of the Circulation Supervisory Staff authorization and process course reserves.
Super Circulation Staff [Circ9]: Staff assigned this authorization level will be able to perform all of the functions of the Circulation Supervisory Staff, Billing Staff, and Reserves Staff authorizations.
Voyager accounts for Library staff and students must be requested by a supervisor. Please provide the user's UCLA Login ID and access levels. The login ID for Voyager has a maximum of 10 characters.
Additional Information
To request a new account, modify an existing account or deactivate an old account, submit your request via Jira here.
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