Dissertation embargoes

Dissertation embargoes


The release of electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs) may be postponed by the establishment of a embargo date determined by the writer upon filing with UCLA Graduate Division. UCLA Library is not able to alter embargo dates after deposit without authorization from UCLA Graduate Division. Digital Initiatives & Information Technology (DIIT):

  • deposits all ETDs into the University of California preservation repository, Merritt with an embargo end date
  • insures that embargoed ETDs are not harvested by outside sources until the embargo expires
  • provides a means for staff from the UCLA Graduate Division to see the status of any single ETD including:
    • date deposited in Merritt
    • embargo end date
    • status of cataloging in the UCLA Library Catalog
  • provides a way to generate statistics on ETD for an arbitrary date range.


Additional Information

Embargo end dates are visible in the UCLA Library Catalog, eScholarship, and ProQuest's Dissertations and Theses Global. The full text of the UCLA ETD collection in Merritt is only accessible by the "UCLA role account", the eScholarship harvester, and specific individuals at the University of California California Digital Library (CDL) .

Embargoes in eScholarship are calculated using two information points entered into the ETD record:

  1. embargo code
  2. ETD acceptance date

eScholarship determines the length of the embargo using a code (1=6 months, 2=1 year, 3=2 years, 4=custom), and adds that code to the acceptance date. 

ETDs accepted in June or August may be embargoed longer than their actual embargo period per current practice.

UCLA Graduate Division occasionally approves requests from authors to extend embargoes. UCLA Graduate Division submits a help desk ticket specifying the ETD and the new embargo end date.  DIIT staff then retrieve the ETD from Merritt, edit the metadata to update the embargo, and resubmits for harvesting into eScholarship. 

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