This bulk of this list is taken from /wiki/spaces/DM/pages/52168499 and augmented with other reports.
- 2001 Academic Senate Council on Research "UCLA – A Continuing Deterioration in the Research Environment"
- 2009 IT2020 UCLA Strategic Plan
- 2012 eScience Data Services Recommendations (Library)
- 2013 North Campus Research Infrastructure Planning Summit Final Report
- 2013 RISP draft (PDF): RISP Strat Plan DRAFT 05-29-13 copy.pdf
- 2014 RISP document (PDF): RISP Strategic Plan -Sections 1-8-campus distrib.pdf
- 2015 UCLA Cyber-infrastructure Plan
- 2016 Data Visualization Pilot Study for RISP (unpublished Library)
- 2016 /wiki/spaces/SPI/pages/94765455
- 2017 Research Data Support Recommendations
Additional materials
The Ithaka studies surveyed the faculty about what was important to them, and turned up all sorts of interesting opinions . The interim guidelines document generally affirms that the University is the owner of research data produced on campus; the faculty are just data custodians.
- 2014 Ithaka Survey of UCLA faculty & supporting original data
- 2014 Ithaka Survey of UC-wide faculty
- 2015 Interim UCLA Guidance on Access to and Management of Research Data and Tangible Materials