Suspended - Remote access to YRL-WD-LUX201

Suspended - Remote access to YRL-WD-LUX201

This page's content can be disregarded due to the computer being offline (or at least off-domain) until a longer-term solution is available.

See STS-1832 and linked tickets for details.


HA-4238 (named YRL-WD-LUX201) was purchased to process large 3D datasets, and is managed by Doug Daniels. Doug sometimes will work with students that need to access this computer. These instructions are for enabling RDP for these students.

The computer is intended for remote access and does not have a desk or monitor to use in person. It is in room YRL 11630A1 (inside of the print/copy room 11630A), and opens with key X6949. DSC keeps a copy of the key. 

These student AD accounts are all located in the same OU, have an expiration date, and are not granted any access beyond the RDP rights to this specific computer.


On This Page

Service Desk Instructions

Create Active Directory User

The account request should be an STS ticket.

Create a new user in LibIT > Users > LibraryStaff > StudentAccounts-Library > Lux-External, using the UCLA Logon ID as the username.
Note the temporary password and uncheck the box for "User must change password at next logon".


Go to the account Properties to add:

  • email
  • expiration date
  • description that includes the ticket, e.g. "Lux Lab - STS-54321"

Do NOT add them to any security groups. The account should only be a member of Domain Users.

Grant RDP Access

1) Log into YRL-WD-LUX201, open Remote desktop setting

2) Click on "Select users that can remotely access this PC"

3) Click "Add" to find and add the account, then click OK and log out.

End-User Instructions Template

Hello NAME,

A limited Library account - USERNAME - has been created for you to access Lux Lab computer "YRL-WD-LUX201". Please visit https://accounts.library.ucla.edu/ and set your password. Your temporary password is TEMPPASSWORD.

Once your password is reset, use Microsoft Remote Desktop to connect to the computer using this IP address and port: "". Ensure that the username is set to AD\USERNAME by clicking on Show Options (see below). 

Please note you must be connected to the UCLA VPN for the connection to work.