CLICC Instructional Resources and Spaces Reservations Policies

CLICC Instructional Resources and Spaces Reservations Policies

These policies apply to CLICC instructional resources only

Different policies may cover the use of InqLab or other Library instructional spaces and resources.

Reserving a CLICC Classroom

Reservation requests are prioritized in the following order.

  1. Undergraduate & Graduate instruction that requires use of specialized technology in the CLICC Classrooms. Examples include:
    • classroom control software for exam monitoring
    • hands-on instruction for applications
    • built-in cameras for remote instructor, student participation
    • interactive whiteboards and document cameras
    • video equipment and editing usage
  2. Library-related instruction. Examples include:
    • use of library materials or collections during course time
    • librarian instruction during course time
    • embedded or library liaison associated with the course
  3. Campus partners events with participants who are UCLA staff, faculty, or students, and that make use of specialized technology in the CLICC Classrooms. Examples include:
    • classroom control software for exam monitoring
    • hands-on instruction for applications
    • built-in cameras for remote instructor, student participation
    • interactive whiteboards and document cameras
    • video equipment and editing usage

If your request does not fit any of the above, you may still make a request but note that we cannot provide reservations for events not belonging to one of the groups listed above. However, we have compiled a list of resources for those who are ineligible for space in a CLICC Classroom. These resources can be found here.

If you would like to request a CLICC Classroom to host your instructional event, please visit the Reservations Portal.

Missed/Canceled Reservations

If you know that you will not be able to claim your reservation (for a Classroom, equipment, etc.), please let us know as soon as possible (either by submitting a ticket through the reservations portal or by emailing reservations@library.ucla.edu), so that we may make the resource available for others to use. Please note that we are tracking no shows, and failure to provide us notice of a canceled reservation may result in a review of current and future reservations.

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